PLACE: Nilkantha School, Dhading Besi, Nepal

Dr. Vijay talking about the Child Abuse Prevention

The UNICEF data say 8 out 10 children in Nepal are abused physically, sexually. above 50% children are bullied and the victims. In 2017/18, 1480 cases of rape has been reported in the Nepal police data. 6646 heinous crime has been reported in the past year. Nepal has been still the third Asian country having Child Marriage. Along with these crime, the child abortion is not spared, its still in the society. The News of Rape, Sexual harassment, bullying, domestic violence, Child abuse, torture, Neglect have been today's hot topics for the media. But I have seen very few of them talk against it. 
Children at Nilkantha School during the Child Abuse prevention 

These heinous acts should be eliminated, discarded from the society so I came up with an awareness program, on behalf the Indu Sah Foundation, and I organised myself under the initiative of the MY BODY IS MY BODY program from Global Goodwill Ambassador. 
Interaction with Children

The root from where the problem begins is the environment we provide for the children. According to a research, the most of people who are criminals, had faced physical, mental, sexual abuse in childhood then why we shouldn't think about it, talk about it an act against it.

Children singing together the laws
To make great impact, we have come up with 12 rules to make the world safe for the children so that they can breathe happily, play happily, be creative and ultimately they will generate a peaceful world for themselves and enjoy a fearless happy life.

The 12 Rules are:

1. Nobody has the right to hurt you.
2. Don't Go with strangers.
3. Don't Keep secrets
4. Nobody has the right to touch your private body parts.
5. Say no to marriage before 18.
6. If you have a problem, you should tell someone.
7. If you don't feel right, don't do it.
8. Say it if you are being Bullied
9. Shout and say NO if someone tries to hurt you.
10. Educate the Child.
11.  Love the child.
12. Listen to your Child 

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